Customized Online Conference

Virtual Town Square

Bring together a cross-section of your company to learn, dialogue, build community, and drive action to scale.


The Virtual Town Square is a creative and cost-effective way to assemble a large group to socialize strategy, explore opportunities, and learn skills on working better together from a distance.


Virtual Town Square

100-500 employees come together in an online virtual meeting with their leaders for a series of 50-minute facilitated discussions, presentations, and learning experiences. You decide on the topics and desired outcomes for presentations and facilitated discussions with guidance from an experienced group process consultant from Interaction Associates.

You select topics from IA’s portfolio of live-online learning experiences that focus on essential skills for leading and collaborating from a distance.

Interaction Associates will produce and facilitate the Virtual Town Square.

Benefits of a Virtual Town Square

  • Broader support for a new or recalibrated strategy
  • Greater appreciation of leadership for clarity and transparency
  • Practical ideas and next steps for improving the business
  • Quickly socialized and shared language for effective collaboration
  • Useful skills in a concentrated time and at a reasonable cost
  • Stronger connections among colleagues

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Encourage Employee Engagement Virtually

A distributed workforce can be challenging to engage. The scattered arrangement isolates employees, making it difficult to foster healthy socialization, communication, and collaboration. Interaction Associates offers the Virtual Town Square to help companies keep their employees fully engaged despite the physical distance.

Interaction Associates is a pioneer of collaborative problem-solving in the business world with more than 50 years of experience of being a trusted partner by the world's top organizations. Using this virtual setting, IA helps organizations unlock the full potential of their workforce. The Virtual Town Square will allow you to identify business challenges in different departments, so you can come up with tailored solutions that improve your organization’s overall performance.

You can customize Virtual Town Square any way you want, whether it’s a simple conference where executives provide updates about the company or a large training session for all employees. We’ll set up and facilitate this virtual meeting according to your unique needs.

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Imagine the Perfect Event

1. Imagine the Perfect Event

We'll work with you to understand the results you want to achieve, the process in which the event will be orchestrated, and the new relationships and connections you want people to have with each other.

Plan the Learning Experience

2. Plan the Learning Experience

After we have agreed upon the type of virtual event for your organization, you'll work with an IA consultant to identify what you'd like participants to know, learn, and experience.

Identify Challenges

3. Identify Challenges

We've identified what success looks like for this event and determined the learning experience. We'll now identify and list possible challenges and pitfalls. This allows us to think ahead and ensure optimal success.

Finalize the Plan

4. Finalize the Town Square Plan and Obtain Approval

Together, we’ll tailor an agenda based on a proven template for successful large group gatherings online.

IA will assemble a PowerPoint proposal for you to present to your Sponsor.

Sample Agenda: ABC CoMpany

Virtual Town Square


Main Room


Opening Session and Keynote Address:
We’re Better Together


Skill Building 1:
Sustain Trust in the Virtual Workplace

-10 Minute Break-


Facilitated Discussion (Open to All):
Best Practices: Collaboration Software

-10 Minute Break-


Facilitated Discussion (Open to All):
Innovation Day Insights

-10 Minute Break-


Lessons Learned and Closing Remarks

Room 2


No Session
Assemble in Main Room


No Session
Assemble in Main Room

-10 Minute Break-


Skill Building 2:
Influence Stakeholders from a Distance

-10 Minute Break-


Skill Building 4:
Give Feedback to Virtual Co-Workers

-10 Minute Break-


No Session
Assemble in Main Room

Room 3


No Session
Assemble in Main Room


No Session
Assemble in Main Room

-10 Minute Break-


Skill Building 3:
Tame the Online Meeting Monster

-10 Minute Break-


Skill Building 5:
Ask Better Questions to Get Better Solutions

-10 Minute Break-


No Session
Assemble in Main Room

Short Descriptions

Action Accelerators

A complete list of our Action Accelerators. To view an individual program, click on the title. If you'd like to download a summary of all the programs, click here.

Set Up Distributed Teams
Best practices for setting direction, maintaining focus, and sharing responsibility for success — for new teams or boosting existing teams 

Lead with Purpose & Empathy
Learn how successful leaders connect with virtual team members, increase psychological safety, foster personal accountability, and share responsibility for success

Really Listen & Understand People
Techniques for hearing and understanding people more accurately, appreciating alternative points of view, and encouraging honest communication

Engage Everyone in Online Meetings
Facilitative techniques for focusing attention, including everyone, generating ideas, and noting ideas on a common visual display

Build Trust & Rapport in the Virtual Workplace
Ways to assemble the building blocks of trust when working in different locations: dependability, values congruence, transparency, competence, and focused intention

Raise & Address Difficult Subjects
Techniques for initiating difficult conversations, helping colleagues say what’s on their minds, and develop team norms for addressing hard topics

Give Feedback from a Distance
Learn how to observe others’ actions and behaviors from a distance in order to (a) provide constructive feedback, and (b) support virtual colleagues in responding to a request for a change in their behavior.

Tame the Online Meeting Monster
Techniques for planning the meeting, keeping people on track, building agreements, and completing with clear and practical action plans

Present Online with Confidence
Techniques to engage and command the attention of listeners by using compelling messages, attractive visuals, and vocal variety

Influence Stakeholders from a Distance
Techniques for shaping the opinions and behavior of people whose support we want, but over whom we may have little authority

Reconcile Differences on Virtual Teams
Techniques for handling disagreements when working from a distance so you can get back to collaborating versus competing and withholding support

Ask Better Questions to Get Better Solutions
Ways to spot biased and limiting questions (mental quicksand) and to fashion questions, problem definitions, and opportunity statements that hit the mark

Reach Agreement with Virtual Co-Workers
Learn the steps for building understanding and informed decisions by developing your ability to scan for proposals, think through alternatives, and fashion smart agreements.

Interested in assembling the people in your organization at a Virtual Town Square?

Please fill out the form and we will be in touch within one business day. If you have any direct questions, please contact