Interaction Associates Blog: Perspectives on Collaboration

IA Recommends: Overcoming Zoom Fatigue

Written by Jake Blocker | Oct 14, 2020 7:04:34 PM

It's 2:00pm and you're on your fourth online meeting of the day. The coffee that got you through the morning has worn off and you skipped lunch due to a last minute call. You're fading fast and finding it difficult to stay focused in the meeting. Sound familiar? You're experiencing "Zoom Fatigue." 

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic that forced organizations around the world to move to a virtual workforce, we've found ourselves stuck in more meetings than ever before. While this can be attributed to the challenges the pandemic brought on, it doesn't change the fact that more employees are mentally exhausted from the influx of meetings.

Below, we've compiled quick tips you can implement to help overcome Zoom Fatigue:





Is Zoom Fatigue a common issue for you? It may be time to look at improving your online meetings. Check out a couple of our core online training programs which focus on improving your virtual meetings: Essential Facilitation™ and Mastering Meetings.